Over the past few months I've used several pre printed flight plan templates. This week I finally put together a format that actually worked for me by throwing out elements that did nothing for me and adding items that I felt were missing. Now I have a flight plan template that allows me to record all information I will need. It provides space on the right for recording ATIS in the air (on the right I'll have the knee board under it so I can actually write), lists all the elements in order that I will need to file a flight plan, log a pirep or obtain a briefing. Since I haven't seen any templates posted by anybody else I thought I'd attach mine in Excel format. Enjoy.
New Flightlog. The other sheet that comes in very handy is the WX-
Weather recording sheet, the creation of which I have to credit entirely to one of my instructors, Jake Hauserman.
Several additional flight logs are posted in the free materials section of Dauntless Software.
Click here to visit.
Sometimes I just want to check charts while I am online.
http://skyvector.com/ lets you search by airport identifier, VOR or Fix to display the right chart. You can also zoom or reposition the charts to view just the amount of detail necessary to satisfy your curiosity.
A pretty good collection of flight planning and weather links can be found at